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Candy Cuffs

Sale price£2.99

Do you like a spot of bondage but sometimes you get peckish? Well scrap the hand cuffs, why not go with the candy cuffs instead?

Candy Cuffs - edible bondage!

These lovely little bondage snacks are made from fruit flavoured candy beads. You know, like the ones you might have had as bracelets as a kid. Now you're all grown up and have candy cuffs instead.

These are an ideal item to have a little bit of extra spice to the relationship.

If you're after more "spicy" items, then why not consider grabbing a board game, or if you really want to push the boat out, consider getting a sex toy to go with it.

There's not much more to say really is there? Worst case scenario with these is that you get a nice little snack.

Product information

  • Weight: 45g


Candy cuffs - out of the box
Candy Cuffs Sale price£2.99